Find the One you Want--Fix the One You've Got.
No, I'm not going to tell you how to do that, but Dr. Phil will if you win the 6 CD audio book I'm giving away next Friday, March 4th, as part of our second anniversary celebration. Or, if you'd rather learn how to create a phenomenal family, Dr. Phil can tell you how to do that, too, in Family First--Your Step-by-Step Plan for Creating a Phenomenal Family. If you're the winner, you can choose which audio book you'd rather have.
Dr. Phil is an expert in human behavior and reading the back cover blurbs on the two CDs, I was reminded that we, as writers, have to be an expert in human behavior, too. In fact, I sometimes think Psychology 101 should be a prerequesite when learning the craft of writing. How can you write realistic characters if you know nothing about human behavior?
Like each of us, our characters' behavior is based on multiple factors stemming from genetics and life experience. No one is the same and two people striving for the same external goal will have different internal motivation that drives him toward it. Failure to delve deeply into a character's past is a common mistake new writers make. It's why characters seem wooden and sound alike. It's only when you dig deep enough to find your character's driving force that you can create characters with depth and breadth.
So, how do we do this, and how deep do we need to go? Some of us create charts or make long lists of traits--and we do need to do that--but charts alone will not get us where we need to be to make our characters come alive. We have to dig deeper and deeper, until we get down to the level of a character's values and beliefs about life...and, most importantly, about himself. When the reader understands a character's deep motivation, he can identify and will want to read more.
Do you go that far? Do you know what your character values the most? Do you know what your hero believes about himself? Do you know why he believes it? Do you know what happened in his childhood to cement this belief? Those are questions I have to ask if I want my characters to have deep internal motivation for whatever goal I give them. If you're not asking those kinds of questions, try it and see what happens.
If you'd like to be in the drawing to win one of the audio books by Dr. Phil, simply leave a comment and it's done.
And don't forget, there's still time to save on classes at Bootcamp for Novelists. The special discounted prices are good through 2/28 at midnight, but time is getting short. Check out our new Face-to-Face Clinic as well, at www.bootcampfornovelists.com.
Ciao for now,