Salud! Mazel Tov! Oogy Wawa!
Come join the fun! We're celebrating Bootcamp for Novelists’ second Anniversary on February 15th, and because we’re in a celebratory mood, we want to give you an anniversary present!
During the entire month of February, all classes will be $25. Check it out at www.bootcampfornovelists.com.
It's hard to believe Bootcamp for Novelists is two years old already. And like anyone with a birthday, we’re wondering where all the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday that we were brainstorming how to share our love of writing--and our knowledge and experience in publishing--with other writers.
We started with a germ of an idea...and a shared belief that anyone can learn to write a novel if given the correct tools to do so. We wanted to share what we know through a format we wished had been around when we were beginning novelists. That format was one that would take students from the beginning idea and story structure, all the way through the advanced techniques, to the end of the novel. That was our dream. In the beginning, putting together a program that hit all the right notes was a bit daunting, but the concept was so exciting, we forged ahead. And, thus, Bootcamp for Novelists Online classes began on February 15, 2009.
During the past two years, we've been delighted to get to know many of you who've been taking our classes, and we’ve had the pleasure of reading some very excellent work. We've learned a lot, both as writers and as teachers. We learned how to work more efficiently with Yahoo online groups. We learned what to do and what not to do when posting lessons and giving feedback. We learned what classes work well and which need to be restructured. We learned from each other...and, yes, we learned from you. And that is exactly as we had envisioned it.
We were lucky. So many times in life, the greatest efforts don’t turn out as envisioned, and when that happens, it requires another look to see what needs changing. This part wasn’t too hard for us because we’re writers. Writers are constantly revising. The harder part is looking at our strengths. How often do we look at what we’re doing right? How often do we capitalize on our strengths? Not very often is my guess.
As writers, we should continue to learn and grow as artists, and part of that growing is recognizing what we’re doing right. We need to find our strengths, capitalize on them ... and then make changes. I’ve seen far too many manuscripts with a fresh, exciting voice end up sounding as if it could've been written by anyone. There’s no distinction. No personality. The magic is gone.
Don’t let that happen. It's important to know and understand the methods...and then decide how to make them work for you. Protect who you are, because the magic in any work of art is what the creator brings to it. The magic is you!
I'm curious. What are your thoughts when you’re revising or looking at feedback on a story? Do you go directly to what isn’t working...or do you look for your strengths and try to capitalize on them? Do you know what your strengths are?
Leave a comment and you’ll be in the drawing to win the beautiful turquoise bracelet in the photo. We'll be celebrating all month long, so be sure to stop by and chat both here and at Connie's bootcamp blog. Prizes will be involved. :-)
February 11 to March 11
2B - Dynamic Plotting
2P - Deepening Characterization
March 18 to April 15
3B - Scene Sculpting
3P - Escalating Consequences
April 22 to May 20
4B - Conflicts That Sizzle
4P - Strong Plots and Subplots
We're now on Facebook! Come join us and be part of the Bootcamp for Novelists Community page. Start a discussion with other writers...or just let us know what you're up to. We'd love to see you!