Don't miss out on these exciting summer clinics at Bootcamp for Novelists!
July 22 to September 2
C1 Applying the Hero's Journey
Mythology was made famous by Joseph Campbell and later applied to screenwriting andstorytelling by Hollywood, yet the principles of this powerful tool to readers'subconscious common links are still only vaguely understood. Learn how the archetypes areactually placeholders and that the journey itself takes many forms. This course is sixweeks long and features considerable discussion as well as exercises for employing the"Journey" method.
Fee: $48
August 5 to September 16
LS1 Secrets To Writing a Killer Synopsis
Plus: Query Letter and First Three Chapters
The best story in the world won't sell if the editor can't get past the query letter and the synopsis. Most publishers give very specific guidelines on what they want in a submission, but they don't tell you how to make your submission stand out among the hundreds they receive daily. In this class, you'll learn the secret to do just that. This is a 6-week class in which you'll get direct feedback on your work. It is recommended that you have completed at least half of your manuscript in order to get the most from the class.
In this class we'll cover:
The Rules
Basic Presentation
Query Letter format --how to show individuality, style and a compelling story in one page.
The cover letter
The Synopsis - what's the secret?
Showing individuality, voice, style and a compelling story in a short synopsis.
Overview on the first three chapters of your novel
Register now! Get the tools that will help bring your proposal to the editor's attention...and make her want to read more!
Fee: $48
Enroll Now! http://bootcampfornovelists.com/ls-courses/l-course-ls-clinic-1-perfect-prop.html
Each of these packages include the four fundamental courses of each Bootcamp track (basicand polish) and cover the same material as the individual Bootcamps. There will be a one-week break between each course, and you still have the option of registering for each Bootcamp individually, just without the package discount
Begins September 30
1B - Creating Characters
2B - Dynamic Plotting
3B - Sculpting Scenes
4B - Conflict That Sizzles
These four courses develop your basic writing skills and give you the foundation for writing your book. You'll go through step-by-step exercises that can sometimes befrustrating but are designed to help you identify how to create the memorable characters,can't-put-it-down plotting, and tense, crackling scenes that are found in all the bestbooks. Plus, knowledge at a bargain.
Individual courses are $28 each. You'll save $20 by enrolling in the combined package. PACKAGE FEE: $92
Begins November 11
1P - The First Three Chapters
2P - Deepening Character
3P - Escalating Consequences
4P - Creating Strong Subplots
The advanced techniques in these four classes are designed to expand and build on your basic foundation skills to take your writing to another level. The lessons and exercises,using your own work, will give you hands on experience as you learn the concepts and practice the techniques that make a bestseller...complex stories with memorable characters that readers will remember long after they've turned the last page.
Individual courses are $28. You'll save $20 by enrolling in the four-class package.
For more information or to enroll, go to http://bootcampfornovelists.com/